Descarga Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments (Volume 4): Contemporary Scleral Lenses: Theory and Applications de Melissa Barnett,Lynette K. Johns Libro PDF

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Reseña del editor Contemporary Scleral Lenses: Theory and Application, provides comprehensive information about scleral lenses. Chapters of this volume have been contributed by renowned scleral lens experts and cover a variety of interesting topics. These topics include the history and evolution of scleral lenses, basic scleral lens structure, optics and customizable features of scleral lenses, analysis of ocular surface shape, ocular surface topography and advances in optometry technology. These topics give readers an explanation of how to utilize diagnostic equipment in optometry practice and enables practitioners to employ a scientific and objective approach to scleral lens fitting. Key features of this volume include: 1. A straightforward approach to ophthalmic examination flow, evaluation and documentation 2. A review of Scleral lens care and handling 3. Descriptions of a variety of complex medical and ocular indications for scleral lenses 4. Strategic tips to promote your own scleral lens practice 5. A unique perspective of esteemed corneal specialists regarding the collaborative care of the patient This textbook is a suitable reference for ophthalmology students and practitioners. This text will assist practitioners in enhancing their scleral lens practice by providing them useful information for improving patient vision, ocular surface rehabilitation and quality of life.

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