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Críticas Can I tell you about Nystagmus is a welcome addition to the series and highlights a much misunderstood condition. Seen from the family's perspective, the description of the way nystagmus affects the daily life of a young child will be informative and reassuring for other parents. -- Sue Ricketts, Executive Information and Development Manager, Nystagmus Network, registered charity in England and Wales number 803440 'Can I tell you about nystagmus' is an extremely helpful source for both carers of, and people with nystagmus. The user-friendliness of the book aids to understand nystagmus, gives useful tips and shines a positive light on living with the condition. -- Professor Irene Gottlob and Dr Rebecca McLean, University of Leicester, Ulverscroft Eye Unit The book is useful for all professionals in highlighting a number of ways to help a child with nystagmus. It is written in easy, upbeat language with fun illustrations, that all of us can enjoy. -- J. Margaret (Maggie) Woodhouse OBE, Senior Lecturer and Specialist Optometrist, Cardiff University Reseña del editor In this friendly guide, a girl called Amber explains all about her 'dancing eyes,' or nystagmus. Amber explains how children with nystagmus might need to read, learn or play differently, and what their families, school and friends can do to help. She invites readers to learn the causes and symptoms, to help others understand the condition and help increase the self-esteem and confidence of those who have it. This accessible guide for children aged 7+ is an excellent starting point for parents, teachers and other professionals working with children with nystagmus. It includes a practical checklist of easy adaptations to make school or home environments easier and more enjoyable for children with nystagmus, as well as a helpful list of recommended resources for additional support. Biografía del autor Nadine Neckles is a special needs blogger who has written for leading disability charities including Carers UK, Caring in the Chaos and Firefly. Nadine is a full-time carer to her young daughter who has nystagmus and Chromosome 18q-, a rare genetic condition.

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