Descargar IOL Power de Kenneth J. Hoffer libros ebooks
Descargar IOL Power de Kenneth J. Hoffer Ebooks, PDF, ePub, IOL Power Descarga gratuita
Críticas 'The aim of the author of creating a resource for ophthalmologists who strive to increase the accuracy for all IOL calculations and overcoming the challenges that arise when treating complicated cases is achieved. It is an updated and easy-to-use clinical guide for optimizing the clinician procedures for IOL power calculations.' - David P. Pinero, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain, Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 'IOL Power is a comprehensive work by an author who is able to make a relatively dry topic quite readable. There is consistent attention to topics that have clear clinical significance. Where the text soars is in its attention to the situations that do not occur on each operating day. It's the next best thing to having Dr. Hoffer available for a consultation.' -Paul J. Rychwalski, American Journal of Ophthalmology Reseña del editor IOL Power by Kenneth J. Hoffer, MD will be the definitive resource for ophthalmologists who strive to increase the accuracy for multifocal IOLs and overcome the challenges that can come with treating patients that have had laser refractive surgery, such as PRK, LASIK, and LASEK. Inside the pages of IOL Power, Dr. Hoffer is joined by some of the most respected physicians and physicists in the field of IOL power, together their expertise, spanning over 35 years, makes even the most difficult subjects easy to understand. Biografía del autor Kenneth J. Hoffer, MD was born in New York City; grew up in Upstate NY; and received his education at Siena College, Loudonville, NY, SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY, UCLA Santa Monica Hospital, and Wayne State University Kresge Eye Institute in Detroit, MI. He immediately set up practice in Santa Monica, CA in July 1972. His interest in cataract surgery began early in his clinical career by beginning phacoemulsification after his first two months of practice, and IOL implantation two years later in 1974. Being in an extremely competitive environment, and to create superior patient outcomes, it stimulated him to introduce ultrasound axial length IOL power calculation. He created the American Intra-Ocular Implant Society (now ASCRS) and founded the Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (previously AIOISJ). He wrote his original Hoffer formula in 1974 and, based on a pachymetry study in 1982, proposed the first prediction of ELP based on the eye's axial length. The Hoffer Q formula followed in 1993, using a tangent of K as an additional ELP predictor. To ease the calculation of formulas he first used early programmable calculators (HP- 65), and in 1993 produced the first program for IOL power calculation for personal computers (Hoffer Programs(R)). He also participated in the founding of the IOL Power Club in 2005 that has helped stimulate his interest in this subject. After many years of teaching courses on the subject of IOL power at the Santa Monica Hospital IOL courses (2,800 surgeons attended over 10 years); at major meetings such as AAO, ASCRS, and ESCRS; performing research in this field; and publishing papers and book chapters, he was finally stimulated to write his first book on the subject to which he has devoted his professional career. This book is based primarily on the courses he has taught with the additional help of many friends in the field.
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